Yiɣi chaŋ yɛligu maŋamaŋa puuni

Module:Fiction-based redirects to list entries category handler

Diyila Dagbani Wikipedia

Lua error in Module:Lua_banner at line 112: attempt to index field 'edit' (a nil value).

Module:Fiction-based redirects to list entries category handler is used on categories that contain character, element, episode or location redirects to lists (in the style of [[Category:series-name content-type redirects to lists]]), such as Category:Arrow (TV series) episode redirects to lists.

The module will perform the following:

  • This templates expects that the category be named Category:series-name content-type redirects to lists or Category:series-name content-type redirects for location categories only.
  • The series-name should be the exact name used for the title of the series article, including disambiguation if used.
  • The content-type used will be taken from the category name and be one of either "character", "element" "episode", or "location".

{{#invoke:Fiction-based redirects to list entries category handler|main}}

Parameter Explanation
media The type of media the fiction belongs to. Types include, but not limited to: Film, Television and Video game. If unsure, check the top level category, such as Category:Redirects from fictional characters, and see what sub-categories that category has.
  • media2
  • media3
  • media4
Additional types of media the fiction belongs to.
main Use when the main series category is not written or disambiguated the same as the series article. The value will be used for the series (parent) category title. For example: Category:Heroes Reborn (miniseries) episode redirects to lists uses |main=Heroes (American TV series) as it doesn't have its own category.
no_italic Disables the italicizing of the series title.
test The series article name. Used in /testcases.

Tracking categories

[mali mi di yibu sheena n-niŋ]

local p = {}

local mainCategory = {name = "Category:{series}", link = "[[Category:{series}|{type}]]"}

local secondaryCategoryList = {
	{name = "Category:{series} {type}s", link = "[[Category:{series} {type}s|*]]"},
	{name = "Category:{series} redirects", link = "[[Category:{series} redirects|{type}]]"}

local TRACKING_CATEGORY = "[[Category:Fiction redirect categories with non-existent parent categories]]"
local ERROR_MESSAGE = "Valid titles are in the style of \"Category:series-name content-type redirects to lists\""

Local function which checks if the category exists.
local function doesCategoryExist(category)
	return mw.title.new(category).exists

Local function which "Module:Sort title" to retrieve a sortkey and set it as the default sortkey.
local function getDefaultSortKey(frame)
	local sortkeyModule = require('Module:Sort title')
	local sortkey = sortkeyModule._getSortKey()
	return frame:preprocess{text = "{{DEFAULTSORT:" .. sortkey .. "}}"} 

Local helper function which handles the gsub of the series name into the category name.
local function gsubSeriesName(category, articleTitle)
	return category:gsub("{series}", articleTitle)

Local helper function which sets the top level category.
local function getTopLevelCategory(categoryType, args)
	local mediaList = {}
	table.insert(mediaList, args.media)
	for i = 2, 10 do
		if (args["media" .. i]) then
			table.insert(mediaList, args["media" .. i])

	return categoryType:getTopLevelCategory(mediaList)

Local helper function which sets the main category.
local function getMainCategory(categoryType, articleTitle)
	local categoryLink = gsubSeriesName(mainCategory.link, articleTitle)
	local categoryName = gsubSeriesName(mainCategory.name, articleTitle)

	if (not doesCategoryExist(categoryName)) then
	return categoryType:getMainCategory(categoryLink)

Local helper function which sets the secondary categories.
local function getSecondaryCategories(categoryType, articleTitle)
	local categoryList = ""
	for i = 1, #secondaryCategoryList do
		local secondaryCategory = secondaryCategoryList[i]
		local category = gsubSeriesName(secondaryCategory.name, articleTitle)
		category = categoryType:getCategory(category)
		if (doesCategoryExist(category)) then
			category = gsubSeriesName(secondaryCategory.link, articleTitle)
			category = categoryType:getCategory(category)
			categoryList = categoryList .. category
	return categoryList

Local function which handles the categorization of the category.
local function getCategories(categoryType, articleTitle, args)
	if (args.main) then
		articleTitle = args.main
	local categoryList = getSecondaryCategories(categoryType, articleTitle)
	-- Only if there are no secondary categories, add to main category.
	if (categoryList == "") then
		categoryList = getMainCategory(categoryType, articleTitle)

	local topLevelCategory = getTopLevelCategory(categoryType, args)
	return categoryList .. topLevelCategory

Local function which handles the Redirect category code.
local function getRedirectCategoryTemplate(frame, categoryType, articleTitle, seriesNameModified, seriesParameter)
	local redirectArgs = {
		from = string.format("[[%s|%s]] %s", articleTitle, seriesNameModified, categoryType.from),
		template = categoryType.template,
		no_info = "yes",
		not_maintenance = "yes",
		fiction = "yes"
	if (categoryType.isFranchise) then
		redirectArgs.parameters = -1
		redirectArgs.parameters = "series_name=" .. seriesParameter

	return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Redirect category', args = redirectArgs}

Local function which handles the italicization of the category title.
local function getItalicTitle(frame, seriesName, noItalic, test)
	local seriesNameModified = "''" .. seriesName .. "''"
	if (test) then
		if (noItalic) then
			return seriesName, seriesName
			return seriesNameModified, seriesNameModified
		if (noItalic) then
			return "", seriesName
			local italicTitleModule = require("Module:Italic title")._main
			local italicTitleArg = {string = seriesName}
			local italicText = italicTitleModule(italicTitleArg)
			return frame:preprocess{text = italicText}, seriesNameModified

Local function which extracts the series article name
and the category type from the category name.
local function getCategoryTitleParts(currentTitle, typeList)
	for _, categoryType in ipairs(typeList) do
		local _, _, articleTitle = string.find(currentTitle, "^(.*) " .. categoryType.redirectType .. " " .. categoryType.suffix)
		if (articleTitle) then
			return articleTitle, categoryType
	return nil, -1

Local function which is used to handle the actual main process.
local function _main(frame, args, title, namespace)
	local redirectType = require('Module:Fiction-based redirects to list entries category handler/RedirectType')
	local typeList = redirectType.getRedirectTypes()
	local articleTitle, categoryType = getCategoryTitleParts(title, typeList)

	-- A call from a documentation page; Show only the Redirect category header.
	if ((namespace ~= 'Category') and (not args.test)) then
		categoryType = redirectType.getDefaultType(typeList)
		local redirectCategoryTemplate = getRedirectCategoryTemplate(frame, categoryType, "Series name", "Series name", "Series name")
		return redirectCategoryTemplate

	if (articleTitle) then
		local seriesParameter = articleTitle
		local franchiseSeriesParameter = categoryType:isCategorySpecialFranchise(articleTitle)
		if (franchiseSeriesParameter) then
			seriesParameter = franchiseSeriesParameter
		local seriesName = mw.ustring.gsub(articleTitle, "%s+%b()$", "")
		local italicTitle, seriesNameModified = getItalicTitle(frame, seriesName, args.no_italic, args.test)
		local redirectCategoryTemplate = getRedirectCategoryTemplate(frame, categoryType, articleTitle, seriesNameModified, seriesParameter)
		local categoryToc = frame:expandTemplate{title = "CatAutoTOC"}
		local categories = getCategories(categoryType, articleTitle, args)
		local defaultSortKey = getDefaultSortKey(frame)
		if (args.test) then
			return italicTitle, articleTitle, categoryType.template, categories
			return italicTitle .. "\n" .. redirectCategoryTemplate .. "\n" .. categoryToc .. "\n\n" .. defaultSortKey .. "\n" .. categories
		return error(ERROR_MESSAGE, 0)

Public function which is used to handle the logic for fiction-based redirects to lists categories.

	-- |media=			— optional and suggested; The type of media the fiction belongs to.
							Types include, but not limited to: Film, Television and Video game. If unsure, check the high level category,
							such as "Category:Fictional character redirects", and see what sub-categories that category has.
	-- |media2...4=		— optional; Additional types of media the fiction belongs to.
	-- |main=			— optional; Use when the main series category is not written or disambiguated the same as the series article.
							Value will be used for the series category title.
	-- |no_italic=		— optional; Disables the italicizing of the series title.
function p.main(frame)
	local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	return _main(frame, args, currentTitle.text, currentTitle.nsText)

Public function which is used for the testcases.

	-- |test=			— required; The series article name.
function p.test(frame)
	local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local seriesName, articleTitle, template, categories = _main(frame, args, args.test, "Module")
	local testString = "Series name: %s\n\nArticle title: %s\n\nTemplate: %s\n\nCategories: <nowiki>%s</nowiki>"
	testString = string.format(testString, seriesName, articleTitle, template, categories)
	return testString

return p